Rookery Cove Aphrodisiacs: Here to satisfy the intimate needs of every paranormal.
Kira Stone -- Breakwater: A bird and a fish may fall in love, but where will they build a home?
Emma Ray Garrett -- The Keythong’s Blaze: Can Branimir and Viktor prove to Okibi that they’re interested in an equal relationship?
Stephanie Burke -- The Darkness: Manx finds his soul’s ease in Mayleen, but will the Darkness bring madness or refuge?
Kira Stone -- Monster Mash: When an entire batch of Mash is ruined, only one act will pacify the Dark Elf’s ire.
Jade Buchanan -- Faun of a Time: Some secrets are meant to be uncovered.
Lacey Savage -- Pixie’s Prisoner: Nathan vowed to never again be experimented upon. Not even in delicious, erotic ways… well, maybe.
Tuesday Morrigan -- Kidnapping Karisma: Watch Kitty go wild with four very hungry men willing to appease her every wicked desire.
Kira Stone -- Satisfaction Guaranteed: Curiosity about a seemingly defective tube of lube compels Thomas to call Rookery Cove Aphrodisiacs’…
Rookery Cove Aphrodisiacs guarantees pleasure from all our paranormal products -- one way or another.
Publisher’s Note: Rookery Cove contains the previously published novellas Breakwater, The Keythong’s Blaze, The Darkness, Monster Mash, Faun of a Time, Pixie’s Prisoner, Kidnapping Karisma, and Satisfaction Guaranteed.