A Halloween Tale

Cover - A Halloween Tale

Crawling across a wasteland, clutching her only salvation to her chest, she is battered, torn, and in need of tender loving care. She's almost ready to give in to the darkness when an angel of mercy with a body made for sin comes to her aid.

But things aren't always what they appear, and by the end of this Halloween tale, there'll be hell to pay -- even if she does get her way.

Happy Birthday to Me

Cover - Happy Birthday to Me

Mason Klien, larger-than-life alpha, is just what Maxie needs to make his birthday night special.

Clancy Maxwell is an omega who is unique even to his own sub species. He's far shorter than most of the supposedly more delicate type, but the tiny redhead does not have a submissive bone in his body.

After ditching one a puffed-up alpha, the ex-stripper-turned-business-owner focuses his attention to Mason, an alpha with a small submissive streak.

But this is just a one-night stand... or is it?


Cover - Deflowered

Who knew what I was getting into when I opened the cover of a new favorite book featuring a paranormal Native American warrior with powers most mortals could only imagine. I fell asleep reading and dreamed of my perfect hero. The next time I opened my eyes he is there hovering over me.

Now I am in the past and being named the mate of that supernatural warrior. Did I mention that it's also our mating night and I'm the blushing bride?

I didn't know that fantasy could somehow become reality and that dreams could actually come true. Most importantly, if this is a dream then I don't want to wake up.

Dragon Star (Dragonish Book One)

Dragon Star (Dragonish Book One)

Left to die in the searing heat of the desert, the nameless female struggles to save her own life. She is a foundling who dared to turn down the son of the leader of her village and found herself cast to the vicious scabs and their never-ending hunger. But then, something comes to her aid—a large talking lizard with more attitude than brains is there, carrying her off to a strange new world inhabited by the Dragonish.

Future mate for a strange shifter male, she is a desired and treasured female, meant to be submissive for breeding purposes and the fourth in an all-male family quad that just doesn’t make sense to her. When instincts take over and mating fever burns bright, who can resist being the Dragon’s Star?

A Happy Effin Valentine

Cover - A Happy Effin Valentine

Masataka is a shape-shifting neko who makes the unfortunate mistake of picking up a stunning kitsune at a bar and taking her home for the night. How was he to know it was her wedding day? Or that her chosen mate was a nine-tailed kitsune of great distinction and power? Masa’s punishment is to be banished to Earth, stuck in his cat form until someone wishes for him to stay.

If it weren’t for bad luck, Effin wouldn’t have any luck at all. It’s Valentine’s Day, a day supposed to symbolize love and romance. Instead, it’s the worst day of Effin’s life. Whatever could go wrong, does. Abandoned in the middle of nowhere, Effin finds a homeless kitty. Charmed, she takes the cute, furry creature home.

It just so happens that the pretty kitty is actually Masataka, that lucky, lusty, shape-shifting neko. Suddenly, bad dates, worse clothes, and the sister from hell are a thing of the past.

Effin is the woman of Masataka’s dreams. Effin’s not so sure. It’s up to Masataka to convince Effin to believe in the staying power of love… and in her sexy lucky charm.

Gray (Colors of Love 2)

Cover - Gray (Colors of Love 2)

What's a Fae to do when his get up and go -- won't? Entropy is plagued with a nightmare of unbelievable proportions. He wants to... he needs to... but his one-time best friend and long-time companion of a mighty sexual organ just hangs limp looking down at his feet. There has to be a reason why and he's going to discover it or someone's going to get hurt.

Alothos, Lord of Death, is ready to claim his mate... if only he could find the stubborn Fae. He gave Entropy years to mature, grow, and sow his oats, but now it's time for him to take his place at Alothos' side. Only Alothos can't seem to locate his lost Fae and Death's patience is coming to an end.

The Case of the Deadly Game Part 2 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 5)

Cover - The Case of the Deadly Game Part 2 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 5)

Time is running out, and Mai swears Fate, that fickle b*tch, is laughing at her.

Accused of murder, and hunted by a vindictive British agent who’s out for blood, how will Mai solve the crime, save the day, and beat the Deadly Game so she can finally have her fairytale ending?

Bacchus Chronicle

Cover - Bacchus Chronicle

Blakemore is many things to many people -- a songbird with an amazing voice, a vampire childe, the only one of his kind, and the darling in the eyes of his ex-deity Creator... A slave who is now free and seeking revenge on those who abused him.

Mentally fractured and bordering on insane, the childe who crosses three god pantheons, Blakemore will stop at nothing until he sees those who enslaved him laid low, but at what cost?

Reality and insanity blend as he draws closer to those who orchestrated his downfall, but will destiny decide his path or will Blakemore find the courage to stand up to fate and decide his own future?

In The Company of Strangers

Cover - In The Company of Strangers

Cosimo has a fatal addiction to cute. And when the ex-Marine is sent to guard a space bunny from Mars, he finds himself doing a lot of illegal sabotage to keep him safe. But that doesn't mean he expects to be anally probed and turned into the perfect consort for a hot, humanoid, alien bunny with the dick of death.

Tissor has found his time on planet Earth a huge waste of time, save for the human who nearly got himself killed protecting him. So when he leaves, he decides to take Cosimo with him and keep him as his one and only consort.

The two stubborn males soon find that as cultures clash, it's not all fun and games in the company of strangers. But it can be hot -- especially if they are strangers of the most erotic kind.

Black & White

Cover - Black & White

He was not like anything she had ever seen. He was tall, he was strong, he was beautiful, and he was white.

Her beauty touched him in ways that no other woman ever had. To have her he was willing to fight anyone, defy anything. That she was black was never an issue and the only question was would she take a chance with him.

Despite all the obstacles, together they discover that true love is never just black and white.