How Not to Date an Alien (How Not to Date… 1)

Cover - How Not to Date an Alien (How Not to Date... 1)

Kilana knows what her eyes are telling her can't be true.

There's a naked man in her bed and he's glowing. And then there are the solid black eyes, the floating several feet above the bed, and the most damning of all... he has antennas.

The newly divorced Kilana thinks she's seeing things, but when he opens his mouth and tells her he's hunting humans and his intentions are to devour her, Kilana knows she has an alien problem.

But who will help her get away from the admittedly sexy creature that wants her pleasured and fattened until her flavor is perfect? Maybe her hair-brained friends Se and Lena can help her avoid the big suppertime cut...

Or maybe she's on her own with the drooling, leering, orgasm-delivering fiend. And maybe dating an alien won't turn out to be as big a problem as she thinks.

Demonium Rex AKA Buttercup

Cover - Demonium Rex AKA Buttercup (Demon Entanglements 7)

Win is a writer with a new house, a new life, and a rapidly approaching deadline. She doesn’t have time for the voices in her head to be demanding attention. She just wants to finish her book and maybe get laid. But what will she do when the character her subconscious dreams up starts becoming corporeal?

Demonium Rex is the undisputed king of all sexual demons, but when his people come to him with a mark who refuses to crack, he takes action. Now he is stuck in a non-corporeal form while the woman he needs to seduce is too stubborn to just let it happen. And even worse, she sticks him with a stupid name. But in the end, he will show her who’s the real King -- or his name isn’t Buttercup.

How Not to Date a Fae (How Not To Date… 2)

How Not to Date a Fae (2nd Edition): How Not to Date... 02

Deception and betrayal have driven Ario from the only home he's ever known, but he's determined to never look back, and never use magic again -- until he gets hit with pixies, fate, and an irresistible red-headed Fae.

Cailte was one of the Finnian army, Finn mac Cool's right hand. Waking from his centuries-long sleep, the large warrior finds himself at the mercies of a different time -- and a man unlike any other.

If they're to survive, they must forge a bond strong enough to defy the gods. And Ario may discover dating a Fae isn't so bad, after all.

A Happy Effin Valentine

Cover - A Happy Effin Valentine

Masataka is a shape-shifting neko who makes the unfortunate mistake of picking up a stunning kitsune at a bar and taking her home for the night. How was he to know it was her wedding day? Or that her chosen mate was a nine-tailed kitsune of great distinction and power? Masa’s punishment is to be banished to Earth, stuck in his cat form until someone wishes for him to stay.

If it weren’t for bad luck, Effin wouldn’t have any luck at all. It’s Valentine’s Day, a day supposed to symbolize love and romance. Instead, it’s the worst day of Effin’s life. Whatever could go wrong, does. Abandoned in the middle of nowhere, Effin finds a homeless kitty. Charmed, she takes the cute, furry creature home.

It just so happens that the pretty kitty is actually Masataka, that lucky, lusty, shape-shifting neko. Suddenly, bad dates, worse clothes, and the sister from hell are a thing of the past.

Effin is the woman of Masataka’s dreams. Effin’s not so sure. It’s up to Masataka to convince Effin to believe in the staying power of love… and in her sexy lucky charm.

How Not To Date a Skunk (How Not To Date… 3)

Cover - How Not To Date a Skunk (How Not To Date... 3)

Photographer Bilana thinks she can beat the heat and her migraine by taking her meds and getting out of the sun. But she wakes up to find her whole world order being changed before her eyes.

Chaska is a powerful Dakota warrior in full regalia, defending his right to pick the mate of his choosing. But when Bilana stumbles into a centuries-old rite, he finds himself having to save the beautiful black woman's life by claiming her for his own.

Now Bilana has an insolent young warrior, a set of elders, and a shapeshifter mate all invading her peace and quiet. She has to learn to accept change as it comes, but that's what happens when you learn how not to date a skunk.

Reaver of Souls

Cover - Reaver of Souls

The Warriors’ Realm
Cursed at birth and barely tolerated in his childhood, Torn is a being divided. He is doomed to travel the magical realm secretly as the protector of innocence, The Reaver of Souls, a mythical being known for its ability to cleanse, heal, or kill evil. Betrayed by a greedy redhead with an agenda of her own, Torn finds himself pulled away from all he has known and loved, and magically sent into another realm.

Scotland has a huge demand for American artists and a special calling for one redheaded artisan in particular. Leaving behind her home and a difficult past, Sable, an up-and-coming sculptor, follows the call. A near-accident introduces her to the only man who has been able to arouse more than just her artistic passions. But with him comes a whole lot of baggage, including a pair of recently reconciled and concerned parents, a guard sent to protect him, and an insane ex-fiancée. Danger, greed, and duty threaten to pull the two lovers apart at every turn.

Torn has to learn to forgive the past and accept both sides of his soul. Only then can he expect his destined soulmate to see him for himself and accept him for what he is. He must merge the two sides of his soul in order to stop a crime of unspeakable evil and protect his woman, or he will exist alone, losing himself and his sanity in his role as the terrifying Reaver of Souls.

How Not to Date a Vamp (How Not To Date… 4)

Cover - How Not to Date a Vamp (How Not To Date... 4)

What do you get when your greatest strength lies in not dying easy? If you are lucky and no one confuses you with a pop culture vampire, and if you diet and exercise to keep your weight down, you just might get the girl. But first you have to avoid the hunters on your trail, the cost of replacing your clothing, and get over your phobia about wood.

Only if he overcomes these obstacles will Virgil spend the better part of his afterlife with Barb. If he can survive dating.

How Not to Date a Tentacle Monster (How Not To Date… 10)

Cover - How Not to Date a Tentacle Monster (How Not to Date... 10)

Helios Ju has the perfect boyfriend. Peter has the perfect body, the perfect hair, the perfectly loving attitude… and about 20 cocks in his pants.

No stranger to bodies that don’t fit the societal norm as an intersex person himself, Helios has no reason to fear bodies that are different. But now he has to come to grips with the fact that yes, there are aliens on planet Earth; yes, he is falling in love with one; and yes, his virgin alien boyfriend wants to trust him with all of his secrets.

After his disastrous past on Earth, Peter is frightened to reveal his true nature to his perfect boyfriend. But how can they have a relationship if there are secrets being kept? Peter is ready to give it all to Helios, but first he has to be brave enough to reveal the truth of what’s in his heart as well as what’s in his pants.

In the end, he hopes that his Helios is strong enough to understand that even Tentacle Monsters need love too.