OHHH! Look it! Being naughty in back in season! LOL I got called deliciously twisted for this one! You have been warned! LOL http://changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1928 Rated R for being written by a twisted and deviant min d… I give you, A Halloween Tale! One more step, just one more. The dark was an oppressive, living thing.
Author: Stephanie Burke
Just getting in…. boy am I late… but here is the promised excerot. The editor and M say that I am twisted…. I think I like that! LOL Here is a clip from A Halloween Tale… from Changeling Press…. Book Summary Crawling across a was teland, clutching her only salvation to her chest, she is
Hey all! I am way behind! But I have a better reason than writers block, sick kids, and hangovers– could use a few nights that lead to hangovers, actually… without the hang overs…. Den, my darling hus-bear, My Viking, My Rock was in a motorcycle accident. His ribs are borken near the spine, his back
No, this is not Steph. I am Dennis aka the Viking aka Flash’s husband. As some of you have heard, I was in a pretty serious motorcycle accident about 3 weeks ago and it has temporarily limited my mobility. The accident has also created a situation that causes Steph to have to do more outside
OMG I hate SHARK WEEK! Need pain meds or rum… or a lot of chocolate! But I had to go out and do shopping. Do you know how hard it is not to smack people with shopping carts when they act stupid dring SHARK WEEK? ARGH! I ran from this annoying chick in Family Dollar
Okay ladies and gent’s! It’s Your HUMP DAY HUMP!!! This one also unedited from Broken Wings book 1..coming soon from Changeling Press! *g* NC17 M/M smexiness! *g* “I am not a whore,” he grumbled, staring down at the glossy blue head. Klintic’s solid black eyes seemed amused as he stared up at him. “No, not
It’s the return of Your Hump Day Hump! WOO HOO!!!! Unedited M/M NC 17 excerpt, so I am warning you! Here is a snippit of These Broken Wings… “I am not a whore,” he grumbled, staring down at the glossy blue head. Klintic’s solid black eyes seemed amused as he stared up at him. “No,
Man, it’s been a month since I updated. Where to start? Okay… Conventions! Lori Foster was a blast! I dOwn…more like up and over, with the awesome PJ Schnydef, the effervescent Dana Marie Bell, the always on time Joy Harris. We stopped and snatched up Camille Anthony once we braved storm clouds, interesting directions, and
Bad Flash! I have so busy meeting deadlines and getting ready for Con’s that I have neglected to update the web site! *g* http://igbophilia.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/ike-agwugo-m-i-am-tired-for-some-women-sha/ So lets see what has been going on personally lately….. Mom injured herself—stop that Mommy! I need you working for like…ever! *g* http://www.ck-mag.com/2009/08/frustrated.html Son had his Junior Prom—my baby was smooth,
Excerpt 2… Ever wonder what happened to Envy and Entropy’s father, Wrath? LOL Rated H for hilarity! LOL http://changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1818 “I just –” Entropy stammered, looking at his mother with a desperate sort of longing; the same longing every child has when hoping Mommy has all the answers and will make it right… or at least