Bad Flash! I have so busy meeting deadlines and getting ready for Con’s that I have neglected to update the web site! *g*

So lets see what has been going on personally lately….. Mom injured herself—stop that Mommy! I need you working for like…ever! *g*

Son had his Junior Prom—my baby was smooth, White Pinstriped tux, black hat, black shoes with white spats… the boy was beautiful! And we went stag. That seems to be a huge thing now a-days.

Getting Carpal Tunnel in my right arm. I am going to make a doctors appointment…today… if I can remember…. LOL

Den has a new motorcycle. The man went out for bread and came back with a bike! LOL It’s a huge bike. It’s a Rocket Three touring and boy does the man look fierce! *g*

Now… in writing… Gray was released! WOOT! Finally the God of Death and Chickens gets some love!

I am not going to Balticon. They screwed me over for the last time. So I am so sad not to see my friends, but I refuse to let myself be stepped on. I am an author, for goodness sake! I need panels in writing. I am not an odd chocolate female face to toss out to justify that the Sci-Fi world is changing. Respect what I bring to the table, and I understand that what I bring is relevant and timely. So I will go where people actually respect me and I am not treated as an afterthought. My Philcon budget just got bigger!

Doing panels at Dragon*Con! WOOT! This is going to be great! I can’t wait to hook up with my friends and have some fun. I’m brining the flasks of doom! Party time! LOL

Shelby the Wonder Sheep has arrived! It really is the book the publisher, Changeling Press, didn’t want you to read! LOL She has a Book Trailer and everything…

Shelby The Wonder Sheep

Shelby is live, and along with Heard Boy, is out to stop the evil villain Billy the Goat and his minions from dispensing his own brand of justice! Check Out Shelby here….

buy it now!!!

And I am getting ready for Lori Foster’s Reader Writer Get Together!

It’s a mere week away and I have been feverishly getting ready for it. I have proposals for new publishing houses, fun give-aways, panel discussions, and some pretty neat swag to hand out! It’s going to be EPIC! And I am riding up with a crazy cast of characters including…

Joy Harris from Joyfully Reviewed- green eyed and devious, Joys title should be Queen of Wickedly Reviewed!

Author PJ Schnyder– sci-fi and fiction romance writer extraordinaire- My Fluffy Puppy Bunny

Author Dana Marie Bell– romance writer and possessor of The Scooter of Destiny! I am going to get her rolling briefcase from her… it’s awesome

Author Camille Anthony– Yeah, Sandy is in the house! We are doing a panel on, God help me- e readers. I guess I have to learn how to operate that I pad real quick!

LOL So there you have it! I have been working my fingers to the bone trying to finish tentacle monsters—don’t ask, the next in the How Not To series, stuff to make my editor Irene Williams scream, and stuff to get me a few more publishing houses under my belt!

Talk to you soon, my darlings! Flash