Gray (Colors of Love 2)

Cover - Gray (Colors of Love 2)

What's a Fae to do when his get up and go -- won't? Entropy is plagued with a nightmare of unbelievable proportions. He wants to... he needs to... but his one-time best friend and long-time companion of a mighty sexual organ just hangs limp looking down at his feet. There has to be a reason why and he's going to discover it or someone's going to get hurt.

Alothos, Lord of Death, is ready to claim his mate... if only he could find the stubborn Fae. He gave Entropy years to mature, grow, and sow his oats, but now it's time for him to take his place at Alothos' side. Only Alothos can't seem to locate his lost Fae and Death's patience is coming to an end.

Angel Falls Vol. 2

Cover - Angel Falls Vol. 2

Angel Falls is filled with geeks and weirdoes -- the best geeks and weirdoes anyone has ever met.

My Protector: Being sheriff of a small town has lots of perks. Richard knows just about everyone by name, he gets free coffee at the café, and he gets to spend as much time as he wants with Amber Graves, the woman he desires above all others. Unfortunately he finds himself firmly friend-zoned, much to his and his shadow-wolf’s dismay.

When strange phone calls bring up memories of a dark past that rocks Amber’s soul, Richard knows he needs to protect her -- even if he’d not so sure he can protect himself.

Rare as a Unicorn: Warrior Jova was once a unicorn, masterful and proud… Now he’s stranded in Angel Falls. People here are strange, and none more strange and desirable than the pair who rescues him one snowy morning.

Baylin and Torin, Angel Falls’ veterinarians, have a lot going for them -- talent, exciting careers, the love of each other, and a strong relationship… but they’re not complete. They need a third to commit to being with them. The attraction is immediate, but how can they make this work?

Publisher’s Note: Angel Falls Vol. 2 contains the previously published novellas My Protector (Parts 1 and 2) and Rare as a Unicorn.

Dragon Stone (Dragon 1)

Cover - Dragon Stone (Dragon 1)

His Shining Majesty, King of the Dhrovish Throne, has one son, the Silver Prince Vulwin Valas who is a prince, a strategist, a warrior, and a… model?

In the human world, Prince Vulwin Valas is known as Win Arcarius, openly gay, very promiscuous, and one of the most highly sought-after models ever. To the Fae Realms, he is known as the Silver Shadow, the King’s assassin, and someone not to be crossed.

A routine visit home suddenly becomes more complicated, and Vulwin finds himself with a new mate, a new enemy, and a future he never considered before with… a dragon.

Iffear comes to Vulwin at his most vulnerable, but as magical enemies and a plot to destroy the Dhrovish throne make themselves known, the newly mated couple finds themselves drawing closer together in order to survive.

Demonium Rex AKA Buttercup

Cover - Demonium Rex AKA Buttercup (Demon Entanglements 7)

Win is a writer with a new house, a new life, and a rapidly approaching deadline. She doesn’t have time for the voices in her head to be demanding attention. She just wants to finish her book and maybe get laid. But what will she do when the character her subconscious dreams up starts becoming corporeal?

Demonium Rex is the undisputed king of all sexual demons, but when his people come to him with a mark who refuses to crack, he takes action. Now he is stuck in a non-corporeal form while the woman he needs to seduce is too stubborn to just let it happen. And even worse, she sticks him with a stupid name. But in the end, he will show her who’s the real King -- or his name isn’t Buttercup.

Dragon Alliance (Dragon 2)

Cover- Dragon Alliance (Dragon 2)

Iffear comes to Vulwin at his most vulnerable, but as their magical enemies and a plot to destroy the Dhrovish throne make themselves known, the newly mated couple find themselves drawing closer together in order to survive.

How Not To Date a Snowman (How Not To Date… 11)

Cover - How Not To Date a Snowman (How Not To Date... 11)

It’s Christmas, and climatologist Lydia Doyle is stuck in the worst place possible -- the Florida Everglades -- alone in a record breaking heat wave. Her twin sister, who she usually spends the holidays with, has bailed, but not before she sends a special Christmas present -- a cute stuffed, snowman plushy.

After rebelling to free his people, Nix, onetime Warrior Prince of the Snowmen tribe, finds himself cursed into a soft, helpless body until someone makes a heartfelt wish. He never expect to be thrust into this new world stuck in his secondary form, with the most beautiful human he’s ever seen.

But a heated argument, an attack goose named Frankie, and an accidental melting changes things for them both, all in one chaotic morning. Now Lydia has to find a way to put her snowman back together again and hope she hasn’t ruined her chance for a very happy holiday.

Dragon Heart (Dragon 3)

Cover - Dragon Heart (Dragon 3)

Vulwin and Iffear know who was responsible for the attempts on their lives and how these attacks were carried out; they now only need to discover why. Seeking revenge could shatter the tentative peace and reignite the war between two Fae factions, but blood spilled in hate demands justice. How far will they go to fulfill a blood oath and see the Dragon Stones laid to rest once and for all?

The Wolf (Wild Hunt 2)

Cover - The Wolf (Wild Hunt 2)

Caille knows the hearts of men, and she has been ripping them from their chests for centuries. Now, as a member of the Wild Hunt, she wants nothing more than to rip apart the men who dared steal one brother’s mate and kidnap her other Hunt brother. Nothing and no one will stand in her way… even the curiously attractive new partner The Master of the Hunt has given her.

Bran the Blessed had been in a cave for what seemed like an eternity, growing back his body and learning about the new world with the aid of his companion crows. He relied on no one except his friend, Kern, who brought him out of his solitude and offered to introduce him to the new world. Problems arise when his friend’s mate has been kidnapped by murderous cultists, leaving Kern unable to function. There is no way Bran, the once-powerful King of Wales could not assist with this hunt as a new Huntsman… and then there was Caille.

Instantly intrigued with each other, the two Huntsmen become pawns in a dangerous game where the elite go to satiate their darkest desires and where the cultists themselves hope to gain more power and influence. Vowing to protect this budding relationship, Bran will do anything he can to protect his new family, even if it means he became one of those who play with wolves.

Taboo (AOEM)

Cover - Taboo (Agency of Extraordinary Mates Multi-Author 4)

Talcor, First Son of the House of Aggression has just discovered something about himself that will rock the very foundations of his sexuality.

He's straight!

But if he's straight, he'll lose his fiancé and shame his family while destroying traditions that keep his people alive and well on the hidden isle of Tabriza. There's only one thing to do -- find a man and get laid to prove to everyone, including himself, that he's gay.

Knight Sayburn has just been denied a promotion she rightly deserves because everyone thinks she's gay. Fed up, she's about to quit when her boss hands her something he hopes will change her mind: tickets to the wonderful island of Chimera.

But what happens after a night of drunken debauchery changes both Talcor and Knight's lives forever.

Santa’s Claws (Holiday Business 1)

Cover - Santa's Claws (Holiday Business 1)

Santa's making a list, checking it twice, and keeping all the other Holidays in check. But when an upstart Valentine's Day out for revenge infects one of Santa's precious Think Tank Elves with a true soul mate, the claws come out. Now he's going to see to it that his Elf and the naughty human to whom he's bound have a very Merry Khristmas... or else.