Book Signing in Baltimore!

Literary Foreplay at Sugar
Summer is coming to a close, and the temperatures are dropping, but there’s still time left to get hot and wet and totally turned on. When and where, you ask? At Sugar, of course.
That’s right! Beth Wylde is bringing her erotica reading series, Literary Foreplay, to Sugar. She’ll be hosting the HOT event on this coming Friday night at 8PM September 10th at Sugar’s store located at:
927 West 36th Street Hampden Baltimore, Maryland
This is Beth’s first trip to Sugar so you won’t want to miss it. Here’s the list of who will be joining her, plus some info about the hostess herself. After the readings there will be time for a Q&A session with the authors and chances to purchase autographed books as well as get some free promo goodies. Beth will be running some special buy one get one deals and a special goodie basket raffle too plus the goodie box will be there. ^_^ For any questions feel free to email her at
Beth Wylde:
Beth writes what she likes to read; which includes a little bit of everything. Her muse is an equal opportunity plot bunny that believes everyone no matter their kink, color, gender or orientation is entitled to love, acceptance and scalding HOT sex. Beth’s genres include contemporary, paranormal, erotica and more. Her pairings span the GLBTQ rainbow and beyond. She is currently published with Phaze, Torquere Press, eXcessica, loveyoudivine and Logical Lust Publishing. Recently she signed contracts with Dreamspinner Press and PD Publishing. She has been on both sides of the editor and author coin. You can check her out online at or email her direct at
Nobilis Reed:
A few years ago Nobilis Reed decided to start sharing the naughty little stories he scribbled out in hidden notebooks.  To his surprise, people actually liked them!  Now, he can’t stop.  The poor man is addicted.  His wife, teenage children, and even the cats just look on this wretch of a man, hunched over his computer keyboard, and shake their heads.  Clearly, there is no hope for him.  The best that can be hoped for is to make him as comfortable as his condition will allow. Symptoms include a novel, several novellas, and numerous short stories.
Sunny Moraine:
Sunny Moraine is the author of numerous works of fiction, many of them erotic, almost all of them speculative in nature. She has most recently published stories in the anthologies Queerpunk and Like a Veil, both from Circlet Press, and in the anthology Hellebore and Rue: Tales of Queer Women and Magic, coming soon from Drollerie Press. She has also been featured in Fishnet and The Absent Willow Review. She hears voices, and occasionally she admits that they are ridiculous. She lives outside Washington DC with her husband and two cats.
Stephanie Burke:
Have you been flashed? That’s what Stephanie Burke is asking. Stephanie, known all over as flash, is a multi published, award winning author, wife and mother of two whoe unparalleled imagination causes her no end of trouble.
From sexy shape-shifting dragons to undersea worlds, sexually confused fey and homoerotic mysteries, all the way to pastel challenged urban sprites, Stephanie has done it all, and hopes to do more. She is also the co-founder of the charity organization Write 4 Hope.
Stephanie is known for her love of the outrageous, her strong female characters, believable worlds, male characters filled with depth and interracial stories that make the reader sit up and take notice.
Currently Stephanie writes for Changeling Press, Ellora’s Cave, Loose-ID, Red Rose and hopes to add more to her resume in the future.
You can reach Stephanie at,, or email her @ She would love to hear from you.

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