Absolute Perfection Winner!!!!

Hello Everybody!
I am glad to report that a lot of you are perverts as well as lushes! *G* I love that! And I love all the drinks you came up with.
Out of the seven recipes I received, and I tried all but one, (could not get my hands on Alien Juice LOL) the winner, selected by a serious group of drunks and bar pros, is…..
Jacqueline Carter!

Now that I’ve read the directions, I see.. …. …. ….
Cranberry Slattern 2.0 (AKA Cranberry Slut) 2 oz Tanqueray No. 10 (for that extra hard thrust add another shot of gin) 2 oz. Pomegranate Juice (to produce that “post-coital rosy glow”) 2 oz. Cranberry Juice (mix, mix it reeeal gooood!) 1 oz. Orange juice 3 oz. Sierra mist (you got to sweat it hard to get that body mist) A spot of fresh squeezed lime juice (you know it’s good when when the juice hits that sweet n’ sour wet spot) A single cherry pop-cycle (swivel your stick to keep your juices well mixed).   Shake gently over ice to avoid premature ejaculation.  Poor into a large whiskey glass with 2 ice cubes.  Use the single pop-cycle stick to stir and keep you on edge until that last satisfying swallow.

they guys were up in arms about swallowing! ROTFLMAO
Congrads Jacqueline!
Contact me at Flashycat2004@aol.com for you contact info and I’ll get your box out to you!
Thank you all for playing and until next time….
Flash, slightly tipsy and feeling fine!