A Contest! A Contest! An Absolute Perfection Contest!

In honor of my new Loose Id release, Absolute Perfection, I have come up with a fun contest that should get the old juices flowing. Orange Juice, Cranberry Juice, Pineapple Juice….
Okay! As we all know an Absolute F*cker is a drink, and a drink that inspired Absolute Perfection,
1 1/2 oz Absolute Citron vodka
1 1/2 oz Crown Royal
1 1/2 oz peach schnapps
1 1/2 oz triple sec
1 splash orange juice
1 splash pineapple juice
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously,  pour entire contents into a highball glass and serve.
It’s so good!
Now comes the challenge.
You have to create your own sexy drink and give it an appropriate name. List your ingrediantes and tell me why. Be as colorful or naughty as you want. For example…
Pearl Necklace
1 cup black coffee-for stamina
1 shot of cream de cocoa- nutty flavor
1 shot Kahlua- stiff pounding rhythm
1 oz amaretto- sweet finish that slides down your throat
Stir it up, garnish with fresh cream, serve in several shot glasses. Remember, you can’t use your hands to pound one back!
Snicker. I just made that drink up! LOL
An impartial panel of perverts…I mean judges are standing by.
Best drink and reason will win a one of a kind gift box from Stephanie Burke. *g* It will include a Naga and a Seahorse of your very own, a custom made Mini-Victorian hat, plus an array of special presents that will help keep them and you feeling very sexy. The winner will also receive  a copy of Absolute Perfection and the adoration of all us who will thrill at the depravity of your mind!
Send recipes and reasons to me at
The contest will run from now until Friday, September 24th when I will announce the winner!
Good luck Everyone!

Have You Been Flashed?
Stephanie Burke

2 Replies to “A Contest! A Contest! An Absolute Perfection Contest!”

  1. Bodice Ripping Illegal Alien Pirate
    6 shots of rum
    4 shots of khaluah(smuggelled across the border in mexican blankets)
    4 shots of Tequilla (also smuggled(it was a lot of blankets okay!))
    8 shots of “blach” from the planet Belch (what type of Alien did u think i meant! shish)
    A hudge pitcher filled with whatever soda u desir (it doesn’t matter after a few slugs of this u wont even remember the anal probe)
    mix well…mix again…keep mixing…almost done…enjoy.

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