Your Hump Day Hump… horsey style! LOL

here is a bit of How Not to Date a Centaur… from Changeling Press of course of course!!! LOL “Good Lord, I’m gonna die!” The wind stole her words and her breath as Kiara gripped the steering line and the toggle, desperately trying to control her descent. This was what she got for buying into

Its time for you R rated Hump Day Hump!

This one coming soon from Changeling Press… meet Kiara, from How Not to Date a Centaur! WOOT! “Good Lord, I’m gonna die!” The wind stole her words and her breath as Kiara gripped the steering line and the toggle, desperately trying to control her descent. This was what she got for buying into some bargain

It's Time for Your Hump Day Hump!!!

And now… Its time for Your Hump Day Hump!!!! This is from the upcoming Changeling Press release, How Not to Date a Centaur… a special NC 17 snippit just for you! *g* Kiara woke to the soft sounds of morning sex. She remembered what that sounded like thought it seemed it had been an eternity

Number Four… Shelby the WOnder Sheep!

You say hi, she says bleat! LOL   Remember Shelby the Wonder Sheep? And our villan Billy the Goat? No? Here’s a refresher! *g* Chapter 1 The City of Baltimore… “Bleat for me, baby.” He snarled, his long hair creating a curtain of red that blocked her view of the room. His hands