It's the NC 17 M/F Hump Day Hump!!!

Because its coming out this week, how about a little NC 17 How not to Date a Skunk action? *g*
“That’s what I was there for.”
“I was away from my home when the season came upon me. The Standing Rock Tribe here is very closely related to my tribe through several family members and was delighted to host my search. They have a Gucge, a skunk, as well, though he is not quite ready to mate. But I took him under my wing to show him how a proper Gucge is supposed to behave. But I think my heat triggered his, and he became aggressive enough to challenge me.”
“Yes, he wanted one, so the battle you observed was set up. It was hoped that I would choose a maiden from his tribe, thereby strengthening our ties and adding fresh blood to my tribe, but I chose you.”
“Mate!” She shrilled the word this time, and it pulled him out of his soliloquy.
“Well, yes.”
“I didn’t sign on for a mate, man!”
“Yet you agreed in the presence of the elders that you were going with me.”
“Marriage is an institution, and I am not ready to be institutionalized!”
“You agreed.”
“Maybe I do,” she added as an afterthought before she leapt to her feet and began pacing. “Need to be in an institution,” she clarified as he tilted his head to the side, looking like a confused little furry woodland creature. “I am seeing people turn into animals.”
“You are amusing, mate.” Chaska chuckled, rising to his feet and standing directly in her path of pacing.
“I am not your –”
Before she could finish, a wave of scent hit her, so powerful it nearly dropped her to her knees. Her eyes widened as she inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of wood smoke, of pine and earth and man musk. It was so addictive that she inhaled again, moving closer to the source.
She didn’t realize she was up on her toes leaning into him with her nose buried in his neck until she felt his corded arms encircle her. Then she only had the strength to pull back enough to look up into his glittering black eyes.
“Hello, mate,” he drawled, pulling her close enough that she could feel the hard bulge of his cock boring with intent into her stomach.
“Well, hello,” she whispered in response before she could stop herself.
His grin was the last thing she saw as a wave of scent washed over her, and she was swept away with a hungry lust so powerful it left her a quivering mass of femininity in his arms.
She was not sure who made the first move, but suddenly clothing was flying around them, and she was touching bare flesh, bare, hot, soft, muscular, delicious flesh. Her back hit the couch and, before she could react, he was on top of her.
“God, yes!” She hissed, her nails digging into his back, desperate to feel more of him against her skin.
“So much perfection, mate.” He purred, burying his face in her neck and licking at the sensitive skin there.
Bilana threw back her head, her hands tangling in Chaska’s long, white hair as she tried to pull his head lower. She spread her legs and made a place for his hot, hard body between them. “Mmm,” she moaned as she felt the press of his cock against her stomach, before he began to slither lower.
“Ohhh, God.” Bilana moaned as his tongue traveled down. He lapped at her navel, nipped at her sides, and finally inhaled her deeply.
“You smell so good…”He trailed off, nuzzling the crease where hip met thigh.
“I bet I taste better.” She wasn’t quite at the demanding mark, but it was getting to be a close thing.
“Let’s find out.” His voice was dark and husky as he gripped her thighs and spread them wider. “God, yes.” He purred, observing her for a moment before he dropped his head and nuzzled her pussy.
“Chaska.” She moaned, demanding, closing her eyes as anticipation built.
Then, before she could think to say something else, he was there. His broad tongue laved her clit. Instinctively, she closed her thighs around his head, holding him in place. He moaned his appreciation of the act.
His hair was a thick, cool, white mass that slithered around her thighs, adding sensation to her already throbbing pussy. She could feel her juices slipping down to moisten the crease of her ass and couldn’t care. Maybe he would lap that up, too! It had been so long since she had been rimmed.
But then thoughts fled as he latched onto her clit and sucked the swollen nub hard, his tongue flicking under the hood. She was moaning uncontrollably when he changed his grip on her thighs and pushed them back and out, making more room for himself as he settled down to eat.
And eat he did. He abandoned her clit and dipped lower to nibble lightly at her labia, lapping at the fluids that slicked up her pussy lips. Bilana could feel her inner walls tightening, begging, and weeping with joy. Her stomach clenched as waves of pleasure washed over her. God, this felt so good!
Her hands went to his hair, pulling and tugging until he eased his slurping and raised his head enough to reclaim her clit.
“So good –” She panted, her head twisting from side to side as he grunted in agreement.
He lifted his head, his lips glistening with her juices, and gave her a slow, wicked smile. As she watched, he slowly licked his bottom lip, cleaning her away before he dove down for more.
“That — Oh, God, so hot –” She dropped her head back, and a long, whining moan rolled from her throat.
Her toes were curling and her clit was itching and burning, a sure sign that she was about to…
“Chaska!” She screamed as her thighs again slammed around his head, her hips ground up and she rode her first orgasm to completion on his face.
She was still panting and huffing, her nipples so hard they hurt, her body sheened in sweat when she reached for him again. She was so empty! She needed to be filled.
“Mine!” She all but roared as gripped his hair and pulled.
This time, Chaska went with her direction and allowed himself to be rolled onto the couch as she switched positions with him.
“So hard.” She moaned, running her hands over the solid planes of his chest and stomach. His hair surrounded his head like a pale nimbus, giving him an otherworldly beauty that stole her breath. But it did nothing to ease her growing addiction to his skin. She had to touch him.
She lowered her head and nipped at his hard nipples, laving the pain away as he hissed and arched his chest up toward her.
“More!” he demanded and she dropped low, resting her ass on his hard cock. She sucked his nipple back into her mouth before nipping at it again. “Yes,” he breathed, tossing his head back, his hands gripping her sides possessively.
This was heaven, Bilana decided, sucking on his flesh, relishing the taste of him. He was salty and oddly sweet, almost like some edible flowers she’d once had in a restaurant in France. He was not an acquired taste — more like a necessary one.
And then she was off, licking at his pecs, attacking the other nipple with fervor, smiling as he hissed when she pinched the one she’d so recently claimed. And through it all he encouraged her, gripped her hips, slapped her ass, and growled his pleasure out loud.
She slid down lower, breaking his grip on her body as she finally came face-to-face with his cock. It was beautiful, thick and pale, a little darker than his golden skin and topped with a heart-shaped head peeking from a short foreskin. She had seen and had been with uncut men before, but it was always a thrill, as they seemed a tad more sensitive than their cut brothers.
She reached out and gripped his base with her right hand, her left going to the wet knob of his head, her finger tracing his slit, spreading the leaking fluid around. Then she looked up at him and froze, as those black eyes seemed to stare right into her soul.
He was beautiful. He was sexy. He was waiting for her to make the next move.
And she was not one to keep him waiting for long.