That’s right. Book release day! And today we have my favorite three eyed alien… who happens to have a very useful tail… and his transgendered one night stand that turned into way more than they both were expecting. Check it Out!!!
Category: Uncategorized
Hey all. It’s been a few days since I made my happy post and now I think I can tell you why. I am no longer an Ellora’s Cave author. WOO HOO! It’s sad and depressing, and it’s also a sense of freedom I haven’t felt in years. Let me explain. I started my career
Okay. I had to post this… My son wanted to walk to the store and I panicked. I didn’t want him to leave the house. I am usually upbeat about things but as of this day, I am a scared mother of a Black teenage boy. It feels like it’s open season on Black young
Flash Fiction Done and Done! LOL I call it Fabulous! LOL “What the…” I stared at the reflection in the mirror and couldn’t believe what was staring back. I lifted one hand, watching as the being in the mirror did the same. This had got to be some kind of joke. I had only
Time to hear that dropping sound! The Hard Way Box Set is here! Freshly propped at Changeling press as an exclusive Pre-Release! Come on over and check it out… if you like it rough… *g*
June 27th is the Exclusive Pre-release date for The Hard Day box set! Check it out! *g*
Would you like to see a cover? You really would I bet! This one is coming from Changeling Press, and is for my new Box Set! LOL Yes, that stupid Snowman song from Frozen is stuck in my head… But check out my new cover. Changeling is coming out of her shell, and I
I call this little gem… The Back Forty… *g* “Is that pot supposed to be moving… and have tentacles?” I stared horrified at the thing my seemingly mild mannered neighbors were cooking. Who knew that UFO’s really landed… then moved next door. I didn’t mean to spy them having freaky monkey sex out back…
The photo place didn’t print my photos. It was all I could do not to scream as I stood in line in my sweat pants, traveling clothes, and stared at her in shock. So… I had a scarf on my head, hair needed to be dyed, I had a bad
Morning all! *g* I am tired. But today and soon, I brave the traffic of Delaware to get my booty home. Then I shall burry myself in bed and play on twitter and facebook until I fall asleep… or until the drugs kick in! LOL Oh man, I am missing everyone all ready. Lori Foster…