Series: Colors of Love #1
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Romantic Comedy, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 98
Release Date: 2015
Published by: Changeling Press
Add on GoodreadsNothing is ever as it seems, and magazine owner Calita is about to find out how true that statement is. Who is the pink-haired, cross-dressing man who has tongues wagging and orgies breaking out in every corner of her offices from his lust dust? And why is he so interested in her?
Pink knows Cali's not having a good week -- mostly because she's been defending him from his insane family! She's been harassed, had her lack of a sex life exposed, and managed to get herself cursed by Love and Peace, Pink's meddling parents. But Pink, lust fairy extraordinaire, is not going to let his boss live a colorless existence. He's going to do everything in his power to see Cali is never alone, even if she never knows love or peace again!
Now if he can only get her to see that wonderful things sometimes wear skirts and look just perfect in Pink...
Buy the Book: Changeling Press | Amazon | B&N | Kobo
Also in this series:
"What the hell is going on? Is everybody in the world fucking besides me?" Cali demanded. This was the third suck scene she'd encountered today in the apartment that housed their small publishing house.
First had been their main artist, Fab, and his dark-haired lover Casmir, her health and fitness specialist, going at it in the kitchen/break room. Gathering her composure, she'd escaped to the bathroom. Only once she opened the unlocked door, she was shocked by a lavender-haired woman and a silver-haired man having a wild go at it against the sinks. Backing away before they noticed her -- or worse, invited her to join in -- Cali raced toward the safety hopefully contained in her brother's office.
But again, here was a fuck fest underway, and she apparently hadn't gotten the memo.
When had Casual Fridays become free-fuck-for-all days?
Calita's twin brother, Able, had his secretary sitting on top of his desk, a roll of saran wrap clutched in her hand. Able made grunting, whining noises as he ate her out. Calita knew the secretary had just broken up with her girlfriend a month before. When had Laslie gone straight, or at least bi? Or should she be called Lassie because of the howls that were erupting from her throat? And the woman had to be double jointed to have one leg up on Able's shoulder, the other around his head, while her back arched up to resemble the Gateway to the West.
Calita stepped out of the room and eased the door shut. Composing herself again, she called to Able, "Um, when you both let go of the golden ring, I'll be in the waiting room, waiting for some answers!"
Twin groans of pleasure sent her scurrying to the living room to collapse into their Ikea special couch. Once settled, she whimpered and resisted the urge to rub her thighs together for some relief. The sexual tension in the small apartment was killing her! And she was afraid to make for her office. Who the hell knew what could be in there?
Feeling embarrassed, aroused and confused, Calita sat and waited -- and waited and waited, skin crawling and knees shaking as she contemplated her business… and wondered if that thick peppermint stick she got when playing Santa's Elf last year would act as a substitute dildo until she could go down to the toy shop on the corner to purchase a vibrator strictly for office use. If unending lust was going to explode on a regular basis, she wanted to be prepared.
* * *
"What the hell kind of name is Pink, anyway?"
"Pink?" Able grinned at his twin sister. "Pink. He's my kind of woman."
Calita stared at her brother and resisted the urge to slap him on top of his cornrowed head. "You mean 'she,' fool." Calita rolled her brown eyes. "And that doesn't explain why Interoffice Get Fucked Day replaced Denim Fridays in this office!"
Able actually managed to blush. "Pink," he said again, tossing a look at his grinning secretary, who squirmed in her chair, a freshly fucked look on her face.
Cali shot her the glare of death, a look that made Baltimore street thugs cry. It was a glare reserved for the lowest of the low, for people who achieved sexual gratification when she didn't, especially when her prospects for future orgasm seemed bleak and uncertain. But the look just rolled off the other woman. Laslie still had finger marks in her hair, and her shirt was on inside out.
Cali snapped out her next command. "Explain!"
"Well, you know we were searching for a columnist to appeal to the sensual side of life?"
"Talk faster." Cali snapped her fingers for emphasis. "Yapping with you isn't getting me any closer to buying my vibrator."
"What?" Able squeaked, looking horrified at the thought of his sister jacking off, then grinned as he realized why. "Oh, yeah. Pink came in, and this morning's interview was… well… something else."
"Oh, was he giving out free Spanish Fly with every question asked?" Cali snapped. "Talk faster, Able. I got a magazine to run and strangers fucking in my bathroom. Cut to the chase!"
"Pink is an Urban Sprite, and his special power seems to be dealing with things of a sexual nature. Lust, if you will."
"Right," Cali groaned. "Who brought the weed in and what was it laced with? Was it Fab? You know how those artistic types are."
"I'm serious, Cali. You have to meet Pink! And the two in the bathroom were probably his bodyguards."
"Right. Urban Sprite, bodyguards, sexual powers. Does our insurance plan cover detox? Because I swear you and everyone else in this office is on something!"
"Just go to your office and meet him," Able urged.
"But I didn't even have my morning coffee yet, Able! If I have to meet sex spreading urban sprites, I need my cup of java. Oh wait! I can't get coffee because Fab and Cas are reenacting the blowjob scene from Deep Throat! They've probably moved on to The Devil and Mrs. Smith now, but who can say? All I know is that they're blocking the direct path to my morning caffeine!"
"Just go and meet him, Cali!" Able said. "Go meet Pink and see what happens."
"Go to your office!" Able stood up, ignoring the unfastened pants that were sliding off his ass. "Go! Believe me, it will all make sense then."
"Fine!" Cali shouted, also jumping to her feet. "I'll go!"
A deep, masculine "I'm coming!" and a gurgled "Good boy!" from the kitchen gave them all pause.
Cali snarled at the dual shouts of orgasm coming from the kitchen area, then turned to face her brother again. "This had better be good, Able, or you'll curse the day my egg split in two and spawned your horny ass."
With as much dignity as she could muster, Cali turned to walk away, but paused. "And another thing. Make them disinfect my kitchen area, especially around the coffeepots. And use bleach! Lord knows how far Cas shot or if Fab swallows!"
She stalked off to her office. "Dammit," she hissed under her breath. "Why is everyone getting fucked except for me?"
Themes: Elves, Dragons & Magical Creatures, Multicultural & Interracial, Second Editions