* Okay, from Gray, Remember Jealousy? Whoever is messing with her baby boy better watch out! LOL ,” Entropy called out, shaking the dust of inter-dimensional travel from his black leather duster. “Ma! Where are you?” Instead of his mother’s dark, intense voice, he heard the deep, lazy tones of his brother. “Hello, little
Author: Stephanie Burke
As you all know, Thursday is Book release Day! WOO HOO! And this Thursday, Changeling Press is going to be dropping Gray, the long awaited continuation of Pink. So I thought I would take this time to talk about male fairies. Uh no…. More like… http://mansouled-fiery-islands.blogspot.com/2010/11/male-fairies.html Yeah, that’s the ticket I want to punch! I
It’s time for YOur HUMP DAY HUMP! WOOT! Dropping this Thursday from Changeling Press, The long awaited sequel to Pink… I give you Gray! http://changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1818 Chapter One “I am Alothos, God Of Death and Chickens! I have returned!” “Mmm, yeah, baby. Touch me there!” “I said, I am Alothos, God Of Death and Chickens! I
Time for the totally innocent and extremely funny rated PG unedited excerpt from the upcoming Shelby the Wonder Sheep.. from Changeling Press… much to their dismay! LOL Meet the Villin, Billy the Goat! ROTFLMAO Meanwhile…in America’s Heart Land…. Okay, not really. But in the wilds of West By-God-Virginia, there lurks an individual so heinous <<<Gulp,
I have asked and have been given answers! It seems that a lot of people would like a ree read. *g* Who am I to argue! I love a free read! So because you wanted it, here we go! A paranormal contemporary that you can help plot! It’s time to play with the snow cat! *g* I’ll write
Got lost in fan girling for a moment! *G* Are you ready for You Hump Day Hump?! This one is an unedited Rated R snippit from my upcoming release, Gray, Pink’s older brother… coming soon from Changeling Press! “Do it, Uncle Al!” Pink begged prettily, his voice wobbling, as he turned on the canine persuasion,
The City of Baltimore… Known for its pristine… known for its picturesque…. know for its…. Sigh. Okay. This narrator will endeavor to go with her policy of total honesty and pray that the readers will continue to see the fair city that she really loves, in a positive light. The city of Baltimore! Narrator will be
Second BirthDay excerpt… Remember Pink the Urban Sprite of Lust? How about his bigger brother Entropy? Guess who is popping in to pay a visit in late April?! *G* Here is an unedited bit from Gray. Not responsible for spiting drinks over the keyboards in laughter! LOL Gray “I am Alotohs, god of death and
The sun came out…that means its excerpt time! WOOT! I’ll start with something serious! Remember the Tigon series? Time to end it. *g* Here’s a sample…. Green World Book 4 Liger series Chapter one The forest was burning! The smell of smoke was cloying, filling his nostrils, and burning his eyes. The thick black mass
It’s out! It’s here! The long hibernation is over! How Not to Date a Bear is LIVE! WOOT! http://changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1801 Declan Batalova is a bear unlike any other. After brokering a deal that will keep his people safe in their new country, the Russian shifter goes for relaxation in a new club that