Hump Day Guest Hump! NC 17 for wickedness! LOL

Guest Hump! LOL I can do that, ya know! *g* Today’s guest hump is by up and coming author Anomaly Blue! She has a little skin walker action of her own! LOL Give it up for Anomaly!!
Making Love Skinwalker Style – Anomaly Blue
When Rutina began investigating the idea of skinwalkers – humans with the powerful magic to take on the form of animals – she had no idea that she would find the seat of her own power in their midst. Yet here she was face to face with her “manimal” lover. She had seen him change into a variety of mamals, birds and reptiles. Most recently he had taken on the form of a skunk, using his musk to establish his dominance as an alpha rather than claws or teeth. She had become used to the sudden change of this amazingly beautiful man to bird or beast of field, but, this time the unexpected side effect was the total sweeping away of her inhibitions caused by his unique scent. Where other’s might be sickened or repelled she was strangely attracted and even now found herself pressed nose to knees against the hardness of his body. Clothing seemed to melt away as both she and Xeroue strained to touch skin to skin. Backing her towards the sofa he quickly lowered her to the roughened softness covering the seat, rounded arms and high back of the couch. Rutina writhed beneath him as the sensation abraded her back and she lifted to meet the heat of him over her.
Kissing her deeply Xeroue grinned ferally as his lips nibbled down her chin. Rutina threw back her head both in desperation and submission as he licked and sucked the throbbing cord where her life’s blood thrummed. He continued further down grazing her collar bone with bared teeth. The corded muscles of his stomach and abdomen rippled over her weeping core. She lost her ability to count after the first six ridges kissed her pouting clit and made her hiss. Her hips bucked as his trim waist widened into muscular shoulders and his forearms and hands pressed her thighs wide to hold her open for his body’s worship.
“Mine.” he growled as he alternately nipped the succulence or rubbed his whiskered face against her sensitive inner thigh.
Rutina could only whimper as her body reacted convulsively to his actions. Somewhere in the back of her mind a voice clamored for her to stop this insanity before it went any further but her inflamed libido drowned out the noise.
A keening shout was ripped from her throat as his nose burrowed into her dripping snatch on a deep inhale. A long drawn out wail quickly followed as he rubbed her slit with his nose, mouth and chin slid back and followed the same honeyed path with his facile tongue.
“Please , please, please… “,Rutina begged shamelessly as she pulled him toward her with her grip in his hair and alternately pushed him away.
Xeroue lifted his head and freed his hair with one hand before returning to control her pistoning hips. His eyes glittered like jet shards as he watch her the pre-orgasmic flush spread over her heaving chest.
“So hot, so ready.” he muttered as he considered the fact that he had yet to taste the carmel nipples that jutted out begging for his touch.
“Lift your hands up and grab the couch arm,” he ordered huskily.
Rutina barely heard the command in her lust induced haze and was slow to comply.
“Now!” Xeroue barked with a nip to her trimmed mons for emphasis. “And don’t let go.”
Rutina raised her arms quickly and felt her nails bite through the soft material of the upholstery. She shook her head wildly as reason started to force it’s way in.
“I, I ,I , we , can’t,” was the only thing she was able to stammer out before the warrior dipped his head, wrapped his arms around her thighs and fell to feast on her in earnest:
“Oooh my Goooooood! Rutina screamed as his tongue circled her diamond hard clit..
“Sweetness” was the only muffled reply as Xeroue’s lips and tongue proceeded to suckle the turgid nub. His lips rubbed with mobile softness over the twitching, undulating slick flesh of her pussy. He vaguely heard the rip of fabric as Rutina clawed wildly climbing toward climax. He stiffened his tongue and delved deep into the streaming honeypot groaning at her taste and relishing her unique musk. Blindly, Xeroue reached up Rutina’s torso to find her straining breast. Grasping a handful his palms tingled with the feel of her causing a corresponding surge of fur which brushed over her aching tips. Fingers still human he grasped the nipples between his thumb and forefinger and rolled them firmly.
The sensory overload was finally too much. Rutina arched quivering her mouth stretched in a silent shriek as the orgasm slammed through her, scrambling her nervous system.
Xeroue lapped at her flesh reveling in the scent of his mate’s satisfaction as she recovered her wits slowly. The salty, ocean berm smell of her caused his already straining erection to twitch as if to ask for their turn.
Flicking a finger over a still hard nipple Xeroue sat up and smirkingly ran his tongue over his cum shiny lips.
“ My turn,” was the only warning he gave before he pulled Rutina from her reclining stupor and kissed her fiercely. Positioning her facing the back of the couch he ran a still furry hand down her back and over her heart shaped buttocks eliciting a hiss from both of them.
Even with the return of the sensual heat crackling down her spine Rutina was wary. Penetrative sex had never been very satisfying and she was wrung dry from his oral ministrations, or so she thought.”
A shudder ran over her as he rubbed the knob of his penis in the cleft of her behind. His hands ran up her sides, veering momentarily to fill with the globes of her breast and pinch her nipples. Back arched forward to increase the pressure she appeared to present herself for fucking just as the female in the wild would. Her presentation was enough to end his restraint. His musk swirled around them as he moved to mount her. Swiftly he positioned himself at her entrance and and anchoring her hands on the back of the couch he pressed home in one long thrust.
Sparks she thought had run their course rained over Rutina as he withdrew and slammed home again. She cried out, thighs open, hips thrusting back seeking to be filled again. Xeroue taunted her with his hot tongue against her ear. “Something you want?” he crooned wetly while teasing her channel inch by inch.
Rutina replied with an inarticulate groan of frustration. Hands trapped under his she could only push back and offer herself as wantonly as possible hoping he would seek her depths. Instead he continued to torture her asking if she wanted something from him and stroking her with infuriatingly shallow thrusts that alternated with longer ones just short of bottoming out. All the while his essence filled the space clouding her head and making her insensible to anything but his mastery over her body. Rutina hunched, quivered, cried, and plead all inhibition lost to her desire to come around his throbbing cock.
Feeling the madness of her desire had Xeroue’s balls drawing up toward his own climax.. Gripping her hands more tightly he ground out,“Who am I?”
Rutina, made a bewildered groan at his query. She had never gotten his name before being swept up in this sensuous haze and she surfaced briefly to testily tell him so.
“We we never got around to pllleasantries,” her voice ascended as his dick brushed briefly in an unfamiliar but titillating spot.
“Ah but this has been most pleasant” he slid silkily in her ear withdrawing as he felt her shudder. “Who ? Am? I?” he demanded emphasizing the question with rapid deep strokes in the same engorged spot.”
“I don’t know I don’t know ! “ Rutina cried brokenly as she felt heat and weight press inside her in a way she had never felt before.”
Flipping her quickly around Xeroue seated himself on the sofa, and pulled her straight down onto his shaft until she hit the hilt. Her legs stretched wide over his thighs she was helpless to do anything but feel the complete oneness of their bodies. One hand filled with her breast, one hand rubbing over her clit as he filled her, he thrust and felt his ancestral power shoot from his head and down his spine before rushing through his cock and swelling it even further. The combination of his cum soaked furry hand at her clit, roughened palm against her breast and the extra growth of his penis rasping over her newly awakened G-spot was the final straw. “ Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaate!” she cried out bucking and twitching as her pussy slammed around his heat and squirted its own clear liquid.
The milking vise of her was the final catalyst for Xeroue as well. Roaring behind her “Maaaaaaaate!” he reared up to meet her back at the height of his climax and bit the crease at the juncture of her shoulder and neck as his essence filled sperm shot to cover her walls and womb. Their essences mingled his spunk to her first time ejaculate and created a new musk so powerful that the both were overcome in a stupor.

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