The Case of the Dead Frat Boy (Mai-Fly Mysteries 1)

Cover - The Case of the Dead Frat Boy (Mai-Fly Mysteries 1)

When an obnoxious frat boy hits on Fae Mai-Mai Collins, she nearly gets arrested for magical assault. But then he ends up dead on the back steps of her cafe, and her life, as well as that of her Gremlin lover, Ry-Ry, is sent into a tailspin.

Now the police are on her tail about the murder, her business has become a spectacle for Fae watchers and Fae haters alike, and her life seems to be in danger from some unknown force.

With a magical geas taking over her body to find the truth and a host of frat boys and sorority girls all lining up as suspects, it’s hard for the mild mannered coffee shop owner to tell who is guilty and who is the victim.

Is the true mystery discovering who killed the frat boy, or is it discovering what darkness lies beneath her skin?

The Case of the Deadly Arrow Part 1 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 2)

Cover - The Case of the Deadly Arrow Part 1 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 2)

All Mai-Mai wants is to be left alone to run her coffee shop in peace, but disaster strikes again, this time in the form of a bigoted restaurant owner, social media crazies, and the biggest threat of all, a flaming arrow aimed at her head.

Mai becomes trapped in a deadly game with an assassin as she tries to get rid of the riots on her doorstep and understand the beast within her with the intimate help of a Dryad named Ptris. Can she maintain her relationship with her Gremlin Ry-Ry and uncover the mysteries of the deadly arrows before one of them hits their target?

The Case of the Deadly Arrow Part 2 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 3)

Cover - The Case of the Deadly Arrow Part 2 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 3)

Mai becomes trapped in a deadly game with an assassin as she tries to get rid of the riots on her doorstep and understand the beast within her, with the intimate help of a Dryad named Ptris. Can she maintain her relationship with her Gremlin Ry-Ry and uncover the mysteries of the deadly arrows before one of them hits their target?

The Case of the Deadly Game Part 1 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 4)

Cover - The Case of the Deadly Game Part 1 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 4)

Mai’s Epic Journey is almost to an end, but a rest break in Lightwater, England proves to be more trouble than it’s worth. Now there’s a dead body, a hell hound, a Fire Goblin, and once again Mai is at the center of it all.

When you’re playing a Deadly game, someone always gets hurt.

The Case of the Deadly Game Part 2 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 5)

Cover - The Case of the Deadly Game Part 2 (Mai-Fly Mysteries 5)

Time is running out, and Mai swears Fate, that fickle b*tch, is laughing at her.

Accused of murder, and hunted by a vindictive British agent who’s out for blood, how will Mai solve the crime, save the day, and beat the Deadly Game so she can finally have her fairytale ending?