Absolute Perfection Update… My Naga Saga, snicker, now has a new date. Due to things and happenings, the new release date for Absolute Perfection is not September 14. September 14 at loose Id Press, people! Its hot male on male snake/seahorse love! Perfect end to the summer! LOL Contest to follow! Flash

Tonight, I sat on the porch and I watched the sky dance. Surrounded by the lemony scent of Moon Flowers and  spicy scent of echinacea, and tangy smell fox glove, I watched the magic light up the sky. The moon was nearly full, playing peek-a-boo with the flowing pillowey clouds and it blew past It

The Road To RT….

OOOkay! Getting ready for RT! It’s almost here! WOO HOO! No more creating costumes, no more crafting baskets, no more shopping all over the place for the perfect promo! WOO HOO! Now its time to prepare for the drive, get ready to see friends I haven;t seen for at least a year, and time to