How Not To Date Vol. 1 (Box Set)

Cover - How Not To Date Vol. 1 (Box Set)

Nothing about dating is easy -- especially when humans, shifters, vampires, Fae and aliens are involved. When did life get so complicated?

How Not to Date an Alien: There's a naked man in Kilana's bed and he's glowing... When he tells her he's hunting humans and his intention is to devour her, she knows she's on her own with the drooling, leering, orgasm-delivering fiend. Maybe dating an alien won't turn out to be as big a problem as she thinks.

How Not to Date a Fae: Deception and betrayal have driven Ario from the only home he's ever known, but he's determined to never look back, and never use magic again -- until he meets an irresistible red-headed Fae. If they're to survive, they must forge a bond strong enough to defy the gods. And Ario may discover dating a Fae isn't so bad after all.

How Not To Date a Skunk: Photographer Bilana thinks she can beat the heat and her migraine by taking her meds and getting out of the sun. But she wakes up to find a shape shifting mate invading her peace and quiet. She has to learn to accept change as it comes, but that's what happens when you learn how not to date a skunk.

How Not to Date a Vamp: What do you get when your greatest strength lies in not dying easy? If you are lucky and no one confuses you with a pop culture vampire, and if you diet and exercise to keep your weight down, you just might get the girl. Only if he overcomes these obstacles will Virgil spend the better part of his afterlife with Barb. If he can survive dating.

How Not to Date a Bear: Cosmetologist Gillian Leekey is a woman on a mission. She loves big, muscular, hairy guys, and Declan is a bear of a man. But after one night of passion, the Bear Shifter Mafia is declaring war at her front door! But that's what happens when you decide to date a bear.

A Halloween Tale

Cover - A Halloween Tale

Crawling across a wasteland, clutching her only salvation to her chest, she is battered, torn, and in need of tender loving care. She's almost ready to give in to the darkness when an angel of mercy with a body made for sin comes to her aid.

But things aren't always what they appear, and by the end of this Halloween tale, there'll be hell to pay -- even if she does get her way.

Shelby the Wonder Sheep

Cover - Shelby the Wonder Sheep

Shelby is a heroine like no other. Sure, her main power is shifting into a pony-sized sheep, but this descendant of Pan is no one to mess around with. She's determined to stop crime in its tracks and, with her sidekick boyfriend, the black, redheaded Scotsman Arthur, nothing will stand in her way.

William is not a bad man. He only wants what everyone wants -- peace and justice for his minions. He wants to live his life to its fullest, and if some people need to be taught a lesson, then they'll be better off for it in the long run. But even he had no idea that a chance meeting in West Virginia would wind up altering his heart and his life, leaving him to choose between his heart and his ideals.